06.12.12 was born first litter from MISTY MEADOW’S SOMEBODY TO LOVE in IZ MINI LEGIONA KENNEL (Moscow), 3 males and 2 females, mother FREILINA (TIMOTI BLUE PEARL x MISTY)
23.01.2013 were born puppies in “GENTLE KISS” KENNEL (Moscow), 1 female and 2 males, dam Gentle Kiss Sally Lann (Ch RU Misty Meadow’s Miguel x Ch RU Gentle Kiss Vivien)
03.03.2013 were born puppies in “TOY SAVOY” KENNEL (Moscow), 2 females and 2 males, dam EVW’12, Bucharest Winner’12, 3xCACIB, Multi Ch Pinc Candy Sun-up for Toy Savoy (out of Multi Ch Misty Meadow’s Captain Hook), inbreeding 2/3 WW’09 MISTY MEADOW’S DONALD DUCK, photo by Natalia Aituganova
28.10.2013 were born puppies from MISTY MEADOW’S SOMEBODY TO LOVE in FORTUNA MEIDZHER kennel (Moscow), 1 female and 3 males, dam Choco Barocco Very Special Person (Ch Komel Sunny Choco-Barocco x Ch Tsunami Mystic Smile) x Ch RU Gentle Kiss Vivien)!
06.11.2013 were born puppies from MISTY MEADOW’S SOMEBODY TO LOVE in IRKO INGUR kennel (Moscow), 3 females and 1 male, inbreeding 3/4 to WW’09 MISTY MEADOW’S DONALD DUCK! Dam Ch Irko Ingur Magdalina Belle (Multi Ch Microchihuas Explosion x Marganita Kutan)!